Meet Mohamad, Ourboro’s Full Stack Developer!

A man of many talents, Mohamad can take the lead both when salsa dancing and when building out a new application.

How long have you been with Ourboro?

I joined Ourboro about two years ago in May 2022, near the tail end of the pandemic. 

As a Full Stack Developer, what does your day-to-day look like?

It all begins with a good cup of tea! Then, since the Dev team’s workflow uses a ticketing system, I’ll review my tickets and plan out my day.

On the Dev team, our work is split up by big projects, like building out a new portal for our co-owners and referral partners, and regular maintenance. 

If we’re working on a large project I’ll spend some time on that to make sure everything is working and get rid of any bugs. When building out these larger resources I often work closely with Azra. She creates the design and user experience then I build it and bring it to life. 

Regular maintenance involves things like website updates, supporting our CRM, and adding new features for our Relationship team to use while leading co-buyers through the homebuying process. 

How did you get started as a developer?

I grew up around computers because of my dad’s job in tech. I’ve always enjoyed problem-solving, so programming felt like a natural fit for me. I started focusing on it in high school, learning different languages and working on small projects. Eventually, I decided to study it formally in college.

What brought you to Ourboro?

I was wrapping up my bachelor’s degree and saw the role listed on Indeed. I was drawn to Ourboro’s mission and company culture. The company’s focus is all around helping young professionals, like myself, find a way to own their own home and I felt a strong connection to that goal. 

Plus, I love the friendly and laid-back atmosphere here. Everyone is around my age and shares similar interests, which makes it easy to bond. Working alongside Banjo (Alfred’s Chihuahua) has been particularly enjoyable.

Where could we usually find you when you’re not working?

On WFH days I usually go to the boxing gym in the morning. After work, I like to play the guitar and work on personal software projects. I’m really interested in aviation so I recently built an app that allows me to easily check out the flight details of each plane that flies over my house. 

What book is on your bedside table right now?

I like reading about science and history. Cryptography has always fascinated me. Right now, I’m diving into Between Silk and Cyanide: A Codemaker’s War, 1941-1945 by Leo Marks. It’s about Marks’ time as a British cryptographer during World War II, working for the Special Operations Executive, a secret British organization handling espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied Europe.

What’s something that people often find surprising about you?

People are usually surprised to hear I took up salsa dancing just over a year ago! I stumbled across a studio near my place, saw people dancing and having fun, and decided I wanted to try it out. 

What’s your favourite neighbourhood in Toronto or the GTA?

I really like North York, particularly Willowdale. It has its own vibrant energy without the hustle and bustle of downtown Toronto.