Meet Referral Partner Fatma Nadhir. For over a decade, Fatma has been helping families find their dream homes while navigating the ever-evolving real estate landscape. From humble beginnings, attending seminars out of sheer passion, to becoming an expert in her field, she now thrives on the joy of making a meaningful impact on her clients’ lives.

In this interview, she shares her journey, the challenges facing buyers today, and her experiences as an Ourboro Referral Partner, offering unique solutions for first-time homebuyers.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your real estate background.

I’m happily married and a proud mom to two young adult sons who inspire me every day. Real estate has always been a passion of mine. Before becoming a realtor, I spent time attending seminars on real estate investing just out of pure interest. Eventually, that passion grew so much that I decided to turn it into my career. Now, almost a decade in, I can confidently say it was one of the best decisions I’ve made!

What’s your favourite part of your job?

The best part of my job is knowing I’ve truly made a difference for my clients. For buyers, seeing them happy, excited, and settled in their new home is incredibly rewarding. And for sellers, I take pride in guiding them through every step—from helping them enhance the value of their property to managing the transaction to make the process feel effortless. When it’s all done and my clients are satisfied, that’s when I know I’ve done my job well.

Can you tell us a bit about the journey to becoming an Ourboro Referral Partner?

My journey with Ourboro started with what seemed like a coincidence. I got to hear about Ourboro from two different people in a short span of time and that’s what piqued my interest to want to learn more about the company. What I discovered was truly exciting and seemed like a fantastic alternative for my buyer clients. After exploring their online presence, I decided to visit their office to ensure everything was as impressive as it seemed. The staff welcomed me warmly, and after a comprehensive presentation of the Ourboro model, I was convinced and immediately signed up to become their referral partner!

What’s the biggest challenge you see facing buyers today?

One of the biggest challenges buyers face today is the struggle to save for a down payment. High interest rates and the rising cost of living make it increasingly difficult to set aside enough funds. The increase in interest rates has naturally caused a downward trend in home prices that, however, has been insufficient to restore affordability for most buyers.

On top of that, even though the market may be slower, real estate prices remain high, adding to the difficulty for many prospective buyers.

What trends are you seeing for first-time homebuyers? Are there any common pitfalls you see play out?

First-time buyers are looking for more value for their money and since the pandemic, buyers have their eyes outside major urban centers. Suburban and rural areas provide first-time buyers mainly with more affordable options and better space. With remote work becoming more common, buyers are also prioritizing homes with office space or dedicated work areas.

Some common first-time homebuyer pitfalls I see are:

  • Buyers overextending themselves financially and focusing more on the maximum they can borrow rather than what they can comfortably afford.
  • Buyers neglecting home inspections. This is quite risky and can lead to unforeseen issues and costly repairs down the line.

What’s the most common misconception people have about buying a home?

A common misconception people have about buying a home is that they need a 20% down payment to secure a mortgage. In reality, many buyers can purchase a home with a much smaller down payment, sometimes as low as 5%, depending on the type of mortgage and their financial situation.

Another widespread belief is that you must have perfect credit to buy a home, but there are various mortgage options available for those with less-than-perfect credit. Additionally, some buyers think they should wait for the “perfect” market conditions, but timing the market can be challenging, and it’s often more important to focus on finding a home that fits your needs and budget.

Do you have any predictions for the future of the real estate market?

In 2023, the Ontario housing market experienced significant weakness, with home sales dropping to levels not seen since 2001. The sharp increase in interest rates since 2022 has restricted financing for many buyers, and while prices have eased somewhat, they haven’t improved affordability enough. Despite this, strong population growth combined with limited housing and rental supply has kept home values elevated. Looking ahead, as the Bank of Canada delivered its 3rd consecutive interest rate cut on September 4th, my opinion is that housing sales and prices will start to rise with an increase in consumer confidence. The pent-up demand and ongoing high population growth will likely sustain strong housing demand through the coming years, maintaining elevated prices.

What has been your most memorable sale and why?

One of my most memorable sales was a Brampton listing that went live just before the pandemic hit. The timing was incredibly unique as the world came to a sudden halt, and we had to adapt quickly to the new COVID-19 protocols. Despite these unprecedented challenges, I’m proud to say that we managed to sell the property within the first three weeks of the pandemic. It was a testament to our resilience and ability to navigate through difficult times.

If you only had three words to describe your approach with clients, what would they be?

Knowledgeable, patient and caring.

When you’re not working, where can we find you?

I absolutely love being outdoors! Whether I’m unwinding in my backyard or enjoying a walk through the park, nature is my go-to escape. For anyone who knows me, it’s no secret that if there’s water around—whether it’s a river or the beach—that’s where you’ll find me in my element!

What’s your favourite GTA neighbourhood?

I don’t have one specific favourite neighbourhood, but I find myself drawn to older areas. There’s something special about neighbourhoods where each home has its own unique character, unlike the more uniform ‘cookie-cutter’ homes often found in modern urban developments.

Is there a piece of advice you often find yourself giving to your clients?

Think of your first home as just the beginning. Consider it a stepping stone towards expanding your real estate investment portfolio. Look for opportunities to acquire additional properties, and continue to grow your investment base with each new purchase.